Activewear & Gymwear

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Product development of activewear | gymwear | running | & Yoga products & ranges. Developed for every level of consumer or need. Service & support to your product needs. From first ideation through development & engineering process of the product, until go to market ready.
 If you are ready to create your range?. Get in touch. ​​​​​​​
Development for Speedo of a unique collection of activewear products. Aimed at & worn by global athletes for PR and marketing.​​​​​​​
Development of technical bonded and sewn construction method's. Adding design and detail to this unique collection of activewear products.
 Engineered for ergonomic fit & function.
 Ranges are developed exclusively for Pentland brands.
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All information is the copyright of TWENTYONE or related brands mentioned. ​​​​​​​

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