Services & support


Below are areas where I can support your design to product creation vision. Let me share my knowhow and expertise. I thrive on  collaboration, bringing together well thought out design & construction, towards innovative apparel products. 
Using my years in the industry, working alongside sportswear brands | manufactures and suppliers around the world to create best in class  active apparel products.

Product development is the back bone of the design to garment process.
 I have 20 years of experience in the industry working along side global sportswear brands leading projects at a senior level.

Hiring a good product development expert is so important.
Well designed product also has to be well developed & engineered, to be able to stand the test of time, with careful and detailed planning and knowhow.
Let me support your vision and make it come to life.

First hand help and support is an invaluable skill you need to develop your designs and make them a reality. 
Using my skills will help you grow your product offer, by helping you design and engineer your activewear products to be the best they can be.
 I specialise in product development & process, including all genders and all age groups of activewear & sportswear products.
 If you are looking for support or mentoring towards your product goals, get in touch and let's help grow your product knowhow together. 


Creative product development solutions
Creative product development solutions
 Technical pack creation
Development of technical activewear or sportswear products
from the concept stage, can be a mine field of information.
Where do you start, what do you need ?.
 Let me help steer you in the right direction. 
Use my years of industry experience and knowhow working alongside global sportswear brands.
 To help you get started on you activewear or sportswear ambition,
 let's create innovation lead products together.

Creation of a tec pack (Technical pack of information). 
Plays a huge part in the success of your design idea or range. 
 This is a document that supports all areas of your product design to engineering process.
  it's invaluable!
Your factory uses this as their first hand information on every area of the product you are creating.
 It's the Holy grail of all documents you need to succeed. 
It should include all design details, a BOM (bill of materials). 
Size chart & all finer details of your product.
Helping your design vision become a reality, and supporting better prototyping.

Product development specialist
Factory & garment manufacture knowhow
Product development specialist
Factory & garment manufacture knowhow
Let me share my years of knowhow working along side global
sportswear apparel brands. 
To help you create.
 Close to body fit and function,| Stretch fabrics understanding.
Activewear, | Sportswear, products and ranges.

Technical product development and construction can be very hard to understand. I have years of experience working along side global manufactures and suppliers.
  Let me help you communicate better with factory's and suppliers, to help solve problems with clear communication.
I have an expert understanding of construction methods.
Problem solving.
Mentorship to support your journey.
 & direct to manufacture support.
Product fit and function
Product fit and function

Getting the products fit and function right is invaluable to the products success, but it can be hard to get right.
Working with an expert will save you time & cost. Helping
you create functional, ergonomic products. 
Close to body fit and engineering is my speciality.

Please visit my portfolio below, or in the page navigation links above.

Contact me at

Please do not reproduce any images or information. 
All information is the copyright of TWENTYONE or related brands mentioned. ​​​​​​​
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